
Welcome to the shop page

You are now able to help with the development of JAF by becoming a slacker backer. We've been able to make a deal with Humble Bundle for the digital version, but we will take care of the boxed physical versiones ourselves through paypal. You will still get the JA classics pack but we need to communicate with Humble Bundle. For the forum badge and behind the scenes access we need to make changes to the site manually, so please be patient :) 

We've decided not to allow add-ons for slacker backers as it demands too much manual administration.

Estimated delivery for the project is November 2014


$65 Boxed version:

A boxed version of the game with a printed manual
+ Digital Soundtrack
+ Digital map
Backer forum badge for the official JAF forum 
+ The Jagged Alliance Classics Pack
You will be added to the official website credit list 

(Shipping is covered for the EU and the US but please add $25 if outside those areas)

$150 Collector's Edition:

A Boxed Collector’s Edition 
+ A Digital Documentary of the making of JA: Flashback 
+ Digital Jagged Alliance: Flashback art book
+ Early Access and Access to the Beta version of the game
+ An exclusive in-game vanity item
+ Behind the scenes access to developer forum
+ The exclusive Backer t-shirt
+ Your name in the ‘special thank you!’ credits roll Collector forum badge for the official JAF forum 
+ The Jagged Alliance Classics Pack
You will be added to the official website credit list. 
+ Get your name in the NPC and enemy name pool and write a simple short response for the NPC. Every time you start a new game the names will be re-shuffled, so you have a chance to encounter your own NPC in the game. 

More box content can be seen below: