08-11-2014, 09:14 CET

Total Posts: 13
£5 extra funds for a community wish list adoption?
How many people would pay an extra £5 to FC to develop the game further from a community wish list?
All ideas put forward then graded in importance or even additions to game. The more people subscribe the bigger the wish list gets accepted, possibly graded on amount of requests for each item?????
Any ideas or thoughts please indicate in post, a simple Yes or No for support of funds would suffice?
Just an idea/thought but it might give the developers some much needed extra cash???
I’m for one to saying Yes
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08-11-2014, 12:44 CET

Total Posts: 361
Let's say you get 100 people (which is a lot) to spend 5$. What do you think can a developer do with 500$? Let's assume that equals 6 hours of man power. A lof of features require more than one to do it (game designer, graphic design, animation, coding, release/bugfix). So you have 1h per team. Rest is risk or another round of bugfixing. Still there is more or less no profit for the company!? I will not dissapoint you but 1 hour is not much digging through the code and stuff. I think huge DLCs (paid) are more the answer.
What could be done is to have a list of new features (not bugfixes that should be paid out of JA:f revenue stream) which then will be priced by FC. If you find enough contributers for one of them, you can get it done. Trick is again the expecations or requirements management.
If you ask e.g. for a dealer/shop that is priced 1500$. As you can see now in JA:F we have a shop (text based). So you have to define exactly what you want as a community so it can be priced the right way. No misunderstandings :) But trust me FC won't go always this way as a lot of control is given to the community.
Another thing: Coders normally try to find the simplest solution for a given problem. The game designer otherwise tries to define a feature set and how it should look/behave at the end so you meet the requirements.
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08-11-2014, 15:06 CET

Total Posts: 1
I say 'yes' and had for a long time the idea one him plays to manufacturers sometimes asks whether them maybe away they know to support (Paypal). Has although I on Steam the play the packing has got to me once more only to support them in hope with it!!!! thus clear. (This written one was translated by a translation program.)
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09-11-2014, 01:21 CET

Total Posts: 716
If you want to involve yourself directly into supporting changes to the game, read what I've posted on Bear's Pit about "JAF Community Roll-out Plan". There will be a modding award we'll plan to give to the best mods. Your 5 pounds will have more impact there, when time comes, trust me.
I know, it's a shameless plug, but if this game is to have a brighter future, that future is to come from talented modders. Raising $500 for one modder will be way more effective than raising $500 for a whole company. Since costs are different, very different.
Also, it's worth mentioning again that those top mods we give the award to will also have the chance to become official paid DLCs for the game on Steam, thus becoming part of the game, in the end and stimulating even more people to create quality content.
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09-11-2014, 01:58 CET

Total Posts: 90
@ shanga
you more and more use the term "we" when talking about the decisions/plans of FC. You also mentioned working together with the CEO of FC. Are you officially working for FC now? Are you their buisness/modding coach? Would be nice...I´m just curious...
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09-11-2014, 10:56 CET

Total Posts: 716
Hehe.. no, I use WE when I am talking about Bear's Pit. Because the modding award will be decided by a community panel (read: many people) I cannot say "I". When I speak for my community, yes, I sometimes use "we". So would you, when you would speak about your familiy.
The user-made DLCs was an idea I had a long time ago. I contacted bitComposer about it (since they own JA rights) and I asked if they would fancy it. They said yes, but you need to talk to Lund about it when it comes to JA:F.
So I talked to Thomas on Twitch (that was the first time we talked) and you all know what he said...
FC guys are very open and warm to the fans and the Bear's Pit, but let's not confuse the two things. We're a community of JA fans, they're a studio developing a JA title. The "business relation" ends there.
PS: I never spoke in FC's name. And never will.
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09-11-2014, 11:08 CET

Total Posts: 90
Ah, ok. thanks for the clarification. I also think the DLC idea is a good one.
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09-11-2014, 12:32 CET

Total Posts: 13
Quoted Shanga@BP:
If you want to involve yourself directly into supporting changes to the game, read what I've posted on Bear's Pit about "JAF Community Roll-out Plan". There will be a modding award we'll plan to give to the best mods. Your 5 pounds will have more impact there, when time comes, trust me.
I know, it's a shameless plug, but if this game is to have a brighter future, that future is to come from talented modders. Raising $500 for one modder will be way more effective than raising $500 for a whole company. Since costs are different, very different.
Also, it's worth mentioning again that those top mods we give the award to will also have the chance to become official paid DLCs for the game on Steam, thus becoming part of the game, in the end and stimulating even more people to create quality content.
this is all good but I think actions mean more than words. so far this is only hot air, why not do something then talk about it!
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09-11-2014, 12:39 CET

Total Posts: 716
@raptorfx - you already have an informed oppinion about what I do after two posts on this forum?
FYI - nobody can yet release JAF mods on Steam Workshop because the ingame interface is disabled until next patch...
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09-11-2014, 13:09 CET

Total Posts: 13
just saying that its better to show something then talk about how you are going to do something. because alot of the time people talk big and then they never deliver.
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09-11-2014, 13:31 CET

Total Posts: 716
It's essential to inform people about this plan because we count on them getting involved as much as they can, either as community judges or as modders.
So this "hot air" is quite an essential part
As for "many people talk big then never deliver", you could be right. It's just that Bear's Pit has been around for 15 years now and our modders have delivered plenty. I would give you a list but that's pointless...
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09-11-2014, 14:10 CET

Total Posts: 13
then what are you waiting for! rather than just resting on reputation, get to work and add some great stuff to the game like much needed rooftops or merc banter in the vein of JA2 and it will be greatly appreciated by the gaming community. literally every part of the game needs improvement in it's current form so if people really wanted they could get to work right away surely!!
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09-11-2014, 15:23 CET

Total Posts: 716
For us to release full mods, a few things need to happen:
1. FC must re-enable Steam Workshop interface
2. JAF Map editor needs to be fixed and updated to work with 1.0.5
3. A promised custom Unity asset integration tool needs to be published
In the meantime, there are a few smaller JSON mods people have made that you're welcome to try. Not DLC material, but it's what we can do atm. You can see most of them on our FB page.
And while modding for JAF is being worked on, our modders are still releasing new features for JA2 v1.13. Flugente just release Tracking for JA2 a few days ago. So nobody is "resting" on anything.
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09-11-2014, 16:01 CET

Total Posts: 13
OK, so why FC is blocking access for modders? I don't get it, why disable some workshop interface if it's needed for people to fiddle around with stuff? Also wasn't the map editor part of the original feature set of the KS campaign? If so, why has it not been released!!! Especially seeing how they obviously must have a working map editor because otherwise they couldn't have made the game in the first place!! Also why has the promised integration tool not been published and when is it going to be published. No offense, but how hard can it be to publish some tools? I think another problem is that communication between devs and community is severely lacking which is not a good sign IMO. There's lots of games where the devs actively post on the forums and I think JAF would benefit from that if this were the case here also. I'm a bit disappointed with their apparent lack of commitment...
FC should get their act together and release that stuff so people can get some work done ASAP.
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09-11-2014, 16:19 CET

Total Posts: 62
Quoted raptorfx:
OK, so why FC is blocking access for modders? I don't get it, why disable some workshop interface if it's needed for people to fiddle around with stuff?
Maybe its bugged and they still trying to figure out how to fix it. Just a guess.
Would be nice to hear from devs about this.
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09-11-2014, 16:20 CET

Total Posts: 716
JAF Editor relies on its asset database (since that's what you use when you build maps, right?). After beta, when they were getting close to release, they simply didn't have enough mapower and time to keep updating the editor with all the changes that were happening to the game.
It was one point where each beta patch was bringing HUGE leaps forward. So they wanted to first release the game, get the first patches/bugfixes/post-release features in the game, then when everything is sold and stable, update the editor and re-enable mods.
Making mods now would be pretty useless, because the game is still evolving and changing. Already some mods made for v.1.0.0 now stopped working, because the game changed in 1.0.5 too much.
As for communication, there's a 5 hour QA with the CEO of Full Control, Thomas Lund, on my Youtube channel. I recommend you give it a few minutes at least, you'll get a lot of answers:
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09-11-2014, 20:49 CET

Total Posts: 90
I hope they´ll fix the editor soon... i want to create my own island of lost hopes^^...and see people trying to conquer it...i really love creating maps, and the old ones i did before in beta don´t reload the assets anymore. So they´re broken now.