Played Wasteland2
I played wasteland 2 these days. What can we learn from wasteland?
For me it's a new franchise so the ui and the mechanics a completely new that is how jagged alliance 2 too feels when you come as a new player.
In comparison to JA:F Tte UI is placed on the bottom of the screen. It is small enough to see everything the ja UI is to big in comparison. That is what I one tent for us to hope that will be implemented soon. I run into one problem I don't know at any time which character is Active as the name of the character is not display eight beneath the portraits. Only in inventory I can see that. It is important to speak with the right character to be and NPCs due to dialogue skills.
In this pic you see the bottom ui, the mercs have no name. As they are small and hard to identify for new players, its bad. In JA2 we have the advantage to know exactly how IVAN looks like. The grenades throw is inidcated by the line and the blast radis...not really good but you can see perhaps if a tree is in you way?
Another thing that turned me off is the Wide use of icons which confused me more then text sometimes.

The battles are quite nice you cantake cover and you can shoot with good animations also the death animations and sound effects are nice. The presentation is more mature then jagged alliance at the moment. They took time to polish fonts, loading screens sound effects music, I can tell from playing an earlier build. But I liked their first approach (more sci-fi fallout look, clean like JA:F) more, honestly.
I can't really switch from one weapon to another without opening the inventory screen and drag and drop is really annoying. I miss an indicator for example a blinking box or Border around the slot so I know my item doesn't get dropped on the ground but moved to the intended slot.
I think, this is an example of how we should not do it. Some pieces here a nice, but overall the functionlity in JA:F with the new UI seems better to me.
Let's see if we can get smaller UI, everything on the bottom, and the inventory like I decribed in the UI thread, with right click without the need to switch to a big inventory screen.