ForumCommunity Wishlist › Holding the Weapon - Animation

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LOEweNz@Hn 02-04-2014, 15:42 CET

Total Posts: 9
Holding the Weapon - Animation

Hello guys!

Its only a small wish from my side, but I really would like to see it in the game and it would be nice if you have time for this.

I like in Jagged Alliance 2 the way the mercs and soldiers hold the weapons when theyre aiming at the enemy. They were kinda moving the guns slowly from left to right and back. That looked really cool I think. So do you have already exactly this or something similar in the game? Are there different animations for strong/heavy mercs and normal weight ones?

Greetings! :-)

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JAF Admin 02-04-2014, 16:20 CET
Super Administrator

Total Posts: 259

Hiya :) 

I am unsure what's in at the moment, but it's only basic animations for testing, then more can be added at a later point. 

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Voyevoda 02-04-2014, 16:39 CET

Total Posts: 54

If i remember right you could see at this animation the stamina or health status of the mercs too, more shaking was used to show exhaustion?!

However, visual reactions/animations to the condition of soldiers would be very nice.

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Roman 02-04-2014, 23:19 CET

Total Posts: 66

@Lowenzahn: We definitely want to try and make a differentiation between ready(aiming) and unready, similar to JA2. So, for subseqent shots after the first one, you pay less AP because you do not have to ready/lift your weapon anymore, unless you change your stance or turn around. also thinking of giving it a difference in your chance to interrupt someone, and/or your Field of view. But these are all just ideas, and we will have to see how it would feel and play in the prototype/alpha. 

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LOEweNz@Hn 06-04-2014, 06:49 CET

Total Posts: 9

Thanks for the reply!

Keep up the good work! :-)

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