ForumJagged Alliance: Flashback General › Where to check for backer quotes / npc names etc

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dms 13-09-2015, 17:47 CET

Total Posts: 10
Where to check for backer quotes / npc names etc

Might be worried over nothing but after getting my physical rewards I finally started to play the game.  It wasn't what I'd dreamt for, but hey we all know they never got enough funding to make a proper modern JA game... the game certain plays a lot better than the negative comments I've seen all over.

However I started seeing repeated quips from NPCs etc and noticed I've never seen any of my own contributions.

I've checked the json files in the US localisation and they are not there... is there anywhere else I can check or is it likely they got missed out?

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nickypooh 18-09-2015, 12:31 CET

Total Posts: 1

G:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Jagged Alliance Flashback\game_Data\StreamingAssets\Original\Localization\US\US-randomnpcnamesandresponses


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dms 29-09-2015, 11:20 CET

Total Posts: 10

Cheers, I had a look and no luck.

I actually got a reply from Thomas to my query saying "Impossible for me to investigate now sorry - or even correct."

You can imagine I feel pretty badly let down, and out of pocket.

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