ForumJagged Alliance: Flashback General › Kickstarter Updates

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TheLARPKing 10-07-2015, 23:20 CET

Total Posts: 9
Kickstarter Updates

The kickstarter updates are hidden to non-backers. This makes it difficult for Slacker-backers, Early Access backers, and non-backers who purchased the game after release, to stay up to date with the current situation of the game.


Are there any backers out there who would be willing to post the hidden updates from the following dates:
- October 3, 2014
- January 20, 2015
- March 11, 2015
- June 19, 2015
- As well as any other hidden dates I may have missed?

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nakano 14-07-2015, 20:04 CET

Total Posts: 158

Mrs. Belvedere has publicly shared the latest update here. There really isn't anything else left to do than the physical items; and that process has been more complicated since bitComposer went bankrupt. Physical items are finished when they're finished as you can see from the latest update. The game has been finished as far as I know and no news/talks of further modding support or source code release of Jagged Alliance: Flashback. If you haven't yet read this, you may find it being an interesting read.

In addition, there has been some talk of Open Source Jagged Alliance like game by fans, but fan projects tend to happen or not.

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