10-02-2015, 09:53 CET
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First impressions - please help
Hallo you all,
yesterday I bought JAF via Steam for the "super-selling"-price of 7,49 Euro.
So, okay, I'am a newbie for this game, but I'am a (JA-)veteran, please believe.
Month after month watching the development of the game (wishing!), after reading many tests und articles, after looking for many "Lets play"-videos - it was also a kind of act of solidarity.
So, I'am a latecomer, that's right. I expected no more than a 6 of 10.
But, damned, first impressions are horrible, sorry.
Looking for concrete help:
- after the first gunfight the game shows a lot bag (pistol, ammo etc.) near a dead enemy, but I can't open it. Is that "normal", a bug?
- while the first gunfight I took a hide behind a great rock. One enemy covered on the other side of the rock - and take a shot right through the rock. Is this really the status of the gameplay?
I'am looking for answers, thank you.
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10-02-2015, 13:05 CET
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- You either need to get closer to the bag (loot distance is by default 2 tiles) or it's a bug if you can't click the loot bag.
- Bad assets happen once in a while. That particular boulder could be one of them. If we still had devs wortking on the game it would've been probably patched out. They're not very common, but sadly the zero tollerance attitude of the community led to effectively killing the game before it even took flight.
So it is what it is.
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10-02-2015, 13:30 CET
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Dear Shanga@BP, thank your for your answers.
if it looks like a kind of "zero tollerance", so that ist a false impression. Sorry.
I'am a latecomer, as I told. I followed the history und the development of this special game for a long time, waiting for the right time to get it.
Let's be honest: 29,99 Euro, as before, for a game with a rating 4,5 to 6,0 of ten - (to) much money. For me, I have to say.
As a latecomer, of course, I haven't got the "rights" like all the early time backers.
But thats's all history. I hope, the game has got a future.
May I ask other newbie-questions here next time?
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10-02-2015, 14:10 CET
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I dont think shanga meant you. Look at the steam forum, never have seen so much hate to a game.
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10-02-2015, 14:37 CET
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...So "Tell my why" (Bronski Beat):
Is it a typical sign of our time: massive attacks ("Shitstorms") out of the internet, without a point-to-point look to details, but with such much "bad energy" in general?
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10-02-2015, 15:38 CET
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I wouldnt say everything was better in the past thats not the thing.
I think there are two problems. First the text based communication medium in general which promotes missunderstandings and escalating of discussions. Its the same with political discussions they happen to be much friendlier in face to face communication than in the internet.
The other is the hardcore JA2 fanbasis. I think that was a problem for JAO and BiA too. The community has a high standart to compare with and if that standart is not achived the community is not pleased. And what comes on top is that everyone sees a different thing of this standart as the core element.
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10-02-2015, 16:21 CET
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@LeRoux - yea, sorry, that comment wasn't aimed at you, but at those who actively campaigned for this game to fail and die. There were a few, not many, but very persistent and vocal.
I don't know why there is so much time invested in this "bad energy" lately. People fail in personal lives I guess, with all these shitty economic times and need things to point the finger at and blame. Of course, assuming your own faults would work much better for them, but it's how the post-good-times society ended up - lots of spoiled humans going from "spend all you can, waste all you can, it's all good, you don't need to think of tomorrow" straight to "it's your fault you spent and wasted your money, you should've thought of tomorrow".
The world got massively screwed and conned by banks and politicians. Now they rage at everything.
That's my 2c. Definitely everyone is mad at everything.
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Mad Squ
12-02-2015, 14:00 CET
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@Django: To the credits of the community I would reply that JA2 was published in 1999. It is just hard to beleave that it is not possible with todays technology to create something of at least the same quality. I understand the bidget restrictions for flashback but BIA for example was a publisher product. And even with a small budget - heck development tools nowadays are much more elaborate and shout speed up the process compared to 1999.
And I guess most people are not looking for much more than the experience of JA2 transferred to modern days. Which means 3D is not necessary but rooftops are...
Anyways, I applaude LeRoux for coming on board and hope he still gets his little fun out of the game and hopefully JA will carry on somehow.
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16-02-2015, 18:36 CET
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Quoted Shanga@BP:
@LeRoux - yea, sorry, that comment wasn't aimed at you, but at those who actively campaigned for this game to fail and die. There were a few, not many, but very persistent and vocal.
I don't know why there is so much time invested in this "bad energy" lately. People fail in personal lives I guess, with all these shitty economic times and need things to point the finger at and blame. Of course, assuming your own faults would work much better for them, but it's how the post-good-times society ended up - lots of spoiled humans going from "spend all you can, waste all you can, it's all good, you don't need to think of tomorrow" straight to "it's your fault you spent and wasted your money, you should've thought of tomorrow".
The world got massively screwed and conned by banks and politicians. Now they rage at everything.
That's my 2c. Definitely everyone is mad at everything.
wow.. I just lost all respect I had for you..
Fuck you man where the hell do you get off blaming other people for FC faliur to make a game? Yes I know it's hard to make games and it's a lot harder to make a JA even more so one that pleases the old fan base and brings in new costumers but hey do you know who's fault it was it failed? FC! No one and I mean NO ONE forced them to release the game in it's shitty state they know what would happen and did it anyways. THAT is why the game failed.
To pissed to spell check so deal with it..
(p.s I was not a hatter infact I stayed away from the game so I would not have to play it in it's shitty state to late for that I guess..)