ForumJagged Alliance: Flashback General › Is the game dead already?

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nerdherd 23-01-2015, 19:20 CET

Total Posts: 6
Is the game dead already?

So, these forums have been pretty quiet for some 2-3 weeks now. I read the latest e-mail to the kickstarter backers from FC and the gist seemed to be that they appeared to be passing the torch to modders as far as development goes, and were going to focus on shipping physical copies and getting reviewers to re-review the game. Is this how the message was to interpreted?

Either way a small, but important suggestion would be to at least fix the female prone bug before contacting establishments that have done reviews. I think it would seem pretty amateurish if you asked them to re-review the game because of bugfixes and added content and have something as glaring as that still in the game.

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Shanga@BP 23-01-2015, 22:07 CET

Total Posts: 863

They're actually working on finishing the modding documentation. We've sent them a pretty extensive list of things we need.

And they're aware of the female prone bug, most likely a fix will be coming sooner or later.

I doubt they're rushing the game to reviewers until the mood of the community improves.

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