ForumJagged Alliance: Flashback General › The stealth feature great disballance (bug) or the express training.

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Lion 17-01-2015, 22:55 CET

Total Posts: 15
The stealth feature great disballance (bug) or the express training.

I've tried the latest version today.

No doubt that it is much better then the previous.

But I have to write that the Devs make mistakes which may ruin the game really quickly. I want to tell you about the great stealth problem.

So, imagine the situation, please:

We have our merc and an enemy. Mercs moves near the enemy. Enemy looks into the opposite direction. So merc uses stealth and gains 10 experience for each movement. Everything is good.

But don't you know that the same thing is possible with the civilian!!! While 3 silly enemies were waiting me somewhere in the Miguel's farm my merc ran behind Miguel's back.

- 10 experience for one movement

- 1 level for 30 movements

- 1 stealth point for about 10 movements.

It took me about 15 minutes of the real time to gain about 9000 experience and reach 30 level!!!

This awfully disbalance the game. That is a result of my experiment. But really level grows too fast even if we don't grow it specially. I know man, who reached 44 level till the end of the game and he doesn't know about this feature with extremely fast level up with NPC.

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