I just beat the latest version! Here's my feedback - 1.12
I just finished the game on difficulty level normal in about 25 or so hours.
Overall, I enjoyed it. Specific highlights: level design (cult temple, meth lab, tunnel, prison... all great), death animations (PERFECT), fun gun/ammo types (VAL) and real-time merc design (sweet riot helmet).
I also have some reasonable suggestions that the developers/modders could focus on in order to make this game much better.
Here's my action item list:
FIX STEALTH: I can't sneak up behind an enemy and cut his throat without the enemy snapping to action. As soon as I see the enemy, the enemy see me, even if I have 100 stealth.
FIX ENEMY ATTACK AI: They run straight at me instead of trying different angles. Sometimes it makes killing them too easy (especially in Tio J8 or K8, they're all funneled down main street.)
FIX ENEMY TURN CAMERA: Every time an enemy fires a bullet, the camera snaps to the shooter. If seven guys are firing, its insane. I want to leave the camera on my mercs or at least have the option to.
FIX TIME MANAGEMENT IN SECTOR MAP: If I give one merc to train a militia, the clock automatically goes into x2. If I tell a squad to move somewhere, it automatically moves into x2. It should be default to be able to issue orders, then start the clock once everyone is set.
MODIFY COVER: Wooden fences should never be full cover.
MODIFY MERC MOVEMENT: I should be able to move my mercs backwards so they can defend themselves with interrupt.
ADD TACTICAL MAP RETREAT: I need to have this option if the situation is FUBAR.
ADD POSITIONING OF MERCS IN TACTICAL MAP: When advancing on a sector, I should be able to move/divide my mercs approach. When defending a sector, I should be able to do the same (albeit anywhere on the map; attack can only be at edges).
ADD ROOFS: Got to have this element. I'm not the first one to ask for this.
ADD EXPLOSIVES: I need to be able to blow a hole in the wall to make a new entry point into a building. C4 could accomplish this.
ADD EXPLOSIVES: PART DEUX: I should be able to shoot barrels (or in this map's design, gas stations) to cause explosions.
ADD MERC LEARNING: I should be able to have my mercs "learn" specific skills instead of sitting idle/repair/medical in Sector Map. The ease of this can be tied to intelligence, and seperate of levelling up points. This was a JA:2 staple!
Full Control has stated this isn't a reboot, this a throwback. And that's fine by me! But I need to see these things implemented so it at least it is on par with a JA:2. Otherwise it just seems like a "mobile-version".
And finally: thanks to everyone who has worked on the game as a dev or a modder. I really enjoyed it thusfar, and I can't wait to beat it again after the next version/mod comes out! Keep up the great work!