05-04-2014, 23:12 CET

Total Posts: 3
Blood & health system?
Hey guys, recently heard about your remake for JA. It looks promising and I got pretty excited about it. I have a few questions that you may have posted the answers to, but I cant find a search button on the forum.
Anyways, I read somewhere you intend to include gore in the game, to which level? Id love to see bullet wounds on hit location and dismemberment done properly.
One of my favorite things about JA2 is the health system: losing action points when being shot, losing skill points at critical hits, lying on the ground after taking some bullets (even if the body armor took most of the damage). This type of attention to details makes JA2`s combat significantly superior to most games today (where you have soldiers with 1 HP running around kicking ass). How is it going to be in your remake?
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18-04-2014, 01:21 CET

Total Posts: 3
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18-04-2014, 12:08 CET

Total Posts: 111
we definitely pay attention to those small details. gore: based on the alpha and feedback, we have already improved our blood splatter effects. they now spawn more realistically at the point of bullet impact (not only on the ground, also on other surfaces), have varied opacity to make them blend better with the environment, "dry out" from a intense red to a dark red over time. the coolest new things is that we have a variable we can adjust wether the bullet "shoots through" - meaning that the bloodsplat can also spawn on the exist point of the body, sparying blood on the wall behind the hit enemy.
furthermore, our models are done with "gibs" - right now they comprise of 7 pieces (head,upper body, lower body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg). that means, we can "cut" parts of the body from the character in case of impact - so it is for instance possible to blow of someones head or arm, or all at once in case you get blown to pieces. while the models have the gibs technically, the system is not implemented yet.
in regards to health, on a most basic level we will have AP loss, bleeding & bandaging mechanics on the tactical layer, while healing/doctor skill on the strategic map. we also plan to have a supression system in, similar to the one in JA2 1.13 - for every bullet flying past closely, you get deducted AP in your next turn (based on your exp level and moral state). about injuries, if implemented, at the moment i play around with the idea to not reduce stats (like in JA2), but have them as a status similar to the Fallout games. fir instacne, a broken leg gives higher run costs & movement speed on strategic map until healed by a doctor/someone with the doctors skill. all of this is not 100% designed or tested, so a lot of things will change there.
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18-04-2014, 12:40 CET

Total Posts: 3
Quoted Roman:
we definitely pay attention to those small details. gore: based on the alpha and feedback, we have already improved our blood splatter effects. they now spawn more realistically at the point of bullet impact (not only on the ground, also on other surfaces), have varied opacity to make them blend better with the environment, "dry out" from a intense red to a dark red over time. the coolest new things is that we have a variable we can adjust wether the bullet "shoots through" - meaning that the bloodsplat can also spawn on the exist point of the body, sparying blood on the wall behind the hit enemy.
furthermore, our models are done with "gibs" - right now they comprise of 7 pieces (head,upper body, lower body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg). that means, we can "cut" parts of the body from the character in case of impact - so it is for instance possible to blow of someones head or arm, or all at once in case you get blown to pieces. while the models have the gibs technically, the system is not implemented yet.
in regards to health, on a most basic level we will have AP loss, bleeding & bandaging mechanics on the tactical layer, while healing/doctor skill on the strategic map. we also plan to have a supression system in, similar to the one in JA2 1.13 - for every bullet flying past closely, you get deducted AP in your next turn (based on your exp level and moral state). about injuries, if implemented, at the moment i play around with the idea to not reduce stats (like in JA2), but have them as a status similar to the Fallout games. fir instacne, a broken leg gives higher run costs & movement speed on strategic map until healed by a doctor/someone with the doctors skill. all of this is not 100% designed or tested, so a lot of things will change there.
Thanks for taking the time to answer, I have a few more questions though.
How about blood decals at the point of impact\exit wound?
About the gibs - so basically with the right explosion we could see a guy with only half of his body (lower or upper), right?
IRL amputation =\= insta death, in most games it is. Is there a chance you guys will adress that? Basically a soldier can be no good for combat, but still live.
The Fallout style thing sounds awesome, but hopefully I wont need to shoot a guy 5 times in the arm in order to break it. Will this be based on the location of the hit rather than how many times I hit that body part?
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18-04-2014, 13:25 CET

Total Posts: 111
- right now there are no decales on the merc at the point of impact. never say never though.
- yes, you would be able to see limbs flying around.
- as soon as they are any limbs flying around, your character (or enemy) is irrevertably dead.
- injuries will based on the location of the hit, and the possibility for triggering a broken arm or the like will be based on wether it was a critical hit or not, or similar.
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18-04-2014, 14:37 CET

Total Posts: 247
Wow, those are really good new Roman, you made my day!
I hope you will manage to get all this done.
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sardonic wrath
18-04-2014, 15:27 CET

Total Posts: 10
sounds very promising, I am especially happy to here about the suppression system! It was the most important addition to 1.13 in my opinion.
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09-11-2014, 01:56 CET

Total Posts: 15
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09-11-2014, 10:09 CET

Total Posts: 361
Quoted adityas:
No head pop?
Yeah, when we ask more about death animations we only hear that the limb system has been tested but not implemented. FC circumveits questions about head pop and other JA2 death animations
I never got an answer that is why I cried louder which has the psychological effect that it will not be discussed anymore ;)
I understand. Butt would still like to know why no death animations are planned, just limbing. Personal taste/dislike or complexity/technical hurdle of death animations and bullet impact animations. Ok,these require new animations and calculations that can differentiate between the different impact szenarios to trigger them depending on distance and power/caliber of a shot (e.g. breast splatter), to get some variants during fights.
Still I like what Roman said about the changes to blood. Much better than in JA2.
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09-11-2014, 21:05 CET

Total Posts: 90
...yes, some gore like in the original would be pretty damn cool. I always remember the "head explosion" sequence of JA2. If some (maybe 3) pre-scripted animations were in, it would add much to the immersion and fear, that this could happen to YOUR mercs as well. Some gore needs to be there, its war alright? Its bad and people get hurt. not just drop unconsience to the ground. A little gore is standard these days, except you are a disney film producer.
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10-11-2014, 00:54 CET

Total Posts: 15
Quoted Roman:
we definitely pay attention to those small details. gore: based on the alpha and feedback, we have already improved our blood splatter effects. they now spawn more realistically at the point of bullet impact (not only on the ground, also on other surfaces), have varied opacity to make them blend better with the environment, "dry out" from a intense red to a dark red over time. the coolest new things is that we have a variable we can adjust wether the bullet "shoots through" - meaning that the bloodsplat can also spawn on the exist point of the body, sparying blood on the wall behind the hit enemy.
furthermore, our models are done with "gibs" - right now they comprise of 7 pieces (head,upper body, lower body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg). that means, we can "cut" parts of the body from the character in case of impact - so it is for instance possible to blow of someones head or arm, or all at once in case you get blown to pieces. while the models have the gibs technically, the system is not implemented yet.
in regards to health, on a most basic level we will have AP loss, bleeding & bandaging mechanics on the tactical layer, while healing/doctor skill on the strategic map. we also plan to have a supression system in, similar to the one in JA2 1.13 - for every bullet flying past closely, you get deducted AP in your next turn (based on your exp level and moral state). about injuries, if implemented, at the moment i play around with the idea to not reduce stats (like in JA2), but have them as a status similar to the Fallout games. fir instacne, a broken leg gives higher run costs & movement speed on strategic map until healed by a doctor/someone with the doctors skill. all of this is not 100% designed or tested, so a lot of things will change there.
Yes indeed. Gore similar to Fallout series seems awesome. If you want better, the victims loose their legs or hands but still alive! And struggle for their life. How exciting!