ForumNews and Announcements › Update 48: Final Countdown + Dev Diary 5

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JAF Admin 13-10-2014, 16:14 CET
Super Administrator

Total Posts: 757
Update 48: Final Countdown + Dev Diary 5

Dear Backers, 

We are closing in on the release of Jagged Alliance: Flashback, which is why this will be our last big update before the release. There is a lot of new content in the new update and still more to come. This last week will surely be intense, as we will be working full throttle to get the game polished up with as many features as possible. 

Here’s a quick overview of the Final Countdown update:

  • Energy System: The energy system aims to create the feeling of exhaustion or vigoration at appropriate times. A unit will run low on energy after, for example, sprinting for several consecutive turns. This simulates being out of breath, exhaustion or even unconsciousness. 
  • Morale System: Every mercenary has their own morale rating. If a unit is shot or due to loss of a friendly Unit, the morale goes down. That can cause both the enemy and the player to panic, run away or make deadly mistakes. 
  • Drop & Loot system has been revised substantially, making containers accessible throughout the game. 
  •  New enemy spawn system creates enemies more varied equipment according to their experience level and assigns them to unique squads.
  • Improved enemy AI - enemies will now go into cover, move or change stance and use their equipment to the best of their ability 
  • 15 new iconic weapons: New handguns, SMGs, assault- and sniper rifles
  • Strategic Map UI Overhaul 
  • All Sectors unlocked: All Sectors from the final game can now be accessed and explored! 

We felt that the developer diary was a cool and simple way to show off new content and features from the game, so we pushed forward to get one ready for this update as well: 


You can find a change log for 0.9.0 version and the versions that have been on the alpha branch since the last EA update below:

Change Log Version 0.9.0 and older versions

Armor, Portraits and Equipment 

One of our artists, Christian, is a bit camera shy, but that doesn't mean his work shouldn't be shared with the community. He’s primarily been working on the portraits for the game, the trash items and the different equipment. 

A selection of the above can be found below: 


Trash Items: 


Credit list (Important) 

We still haven’t added names to the credit list for both the website and inside the actual game. A lot people don’t want us to use their real name, which is why we’ve held back. The best option is simply to say: If you want your name on the website/inside the game (depends on which tier you opted for), you need to follow the link below and fill out the form. This way only people who want to be on the list will get there instead of i us having to handle it manually. 

We are using a sign up form from Mail Chimp for this, so once you have filled out the survey YOU MUST CONFIRM BEING ADDED TO THE LIST. Functions like any other newsletter sign up, so you will get a confirmation email, remember to check your spam folders.  

Deadline is October 16th, 2014, 12:00 CET.

Link to credits form 

DRM + DRM-Free Changes 

For a long time, we have been discussing whether or not we should simplify the whole approach to DRM and DRM-Free copies and we’ve finally reached a decision. We’ll make the game available in both versions at no extra cost, meaning you can download both a steam version and a DRM-Free version via Humble Bundle. It makes it a lot easier for us to handle and also makes for a happier collection of Backers :) 

The DRM-free version won’t be available before the game is released on the 21st of October. 

Keys For $25 Backers 

With this final update we’ll be sending out the remaining keys for backers in $25, we'll start as soon as the update is live. 

You can also retrieve the key yourself through Humble Bundle, if you use the same email as on Kickstarter/Paypal. However, we have been getting some reports from backers about not ending up in the correct tier ranges. We think it's a general setup issue and are already in talks with Humble Bundle to get it fixed. Therefore please don't "panic" if you're not in the right tier range and send us lots of messages and emails, we're on it :)

To get it, enter your backer email into the key re-sender here: and then you’ll receive it via email. 

The $5 Tier won't update automatically, so you have to pick the correct tier in list after using the key re-sender. 

Backer Addresses (important)

As we are getting closer and closer to release we are also getting closer to sending out physical rewards. As mentioned in Update 46, it won't happen on release day and to avoid as many errors with the shipping as possible, we ask that you make sure your address is up to date and that you leave us a message on Kickstarter or, if you make changes or need it to be updated. 

Deadline for this is on the 20th of October 2014, and backers who have not submitted their address by October 20th, 2014, 12:00 CET will NOT receive any physical items

Until Next Time! 

The Full Control JAF Team

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Shadow21 13-10-2014, 21:28 CET

Total Posts: 80

so... whats up with weapon attachments? when are they going to be implemented?

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Shadow86 13-10-2014, 21:32 CET

Total Posts: 216

Whats up with the animated portraits and advanced merc commentaries/interactions?

Are they in the release build or not? 

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Loki 13-10-2014, 21:45 CET

Total Posts: 184,10/space-hulk-ascension-edition,78257.html


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JimmyJames 17-10-2014, 19:16 CET

Total Posts: 1

The $5 Tier won't update automatically, so you have to pick the correct tier in list after using the key re-sender.

How do we select the correct tier afer using the Key Re-Sender?  I don't see this as an option anywhere?

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JAF Admin 17-10-2014, 19:21 CET
Super Administrator

Total Posts: 757

Should be able to pick it in your Hubmle Library...try claiming past purchaes if it's not on the list 


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Claudius33 19-10-2014, 21:12 CET

Total Posts: 92
Update 48: Final Countdown + Dev Diary 5 / Good luck for release

Due to a professional trip, I've to wait for the end of the week before playing the released game.

So with a bit of anticipation, good luck for the release FC!

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idiot 20-10-2014, 17:45 CET

Total Posts: 9

So when is your next kickstarter?

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Chris K 20-10-2014, 18:01 CET

Total Posts: 275

Would you please stop trolling all of the threads, idiot? I think everybody got by now that you don't like the game.

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idiot 21-10-2014, 12:18 CET

Total Posts: 9

stop having an opinion on something I paid money for. gotcha
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Chris K 21-10-2014, 12:57 CET

Total Posts: 275

You're not stating an opinion - you're just making snarky comments on what feels like pretty much every thread. I wouldn't have said anything if I ever read anything remotely constructive from you, but either you didn't or it got overshadowed bigtime by your (seeing that that's your 8th) probably 7 comments so far like the one above that are obviously just trying to provoke.

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Shanga@BP 21-10-2014, 13:26 CET

Total Posts: 863

The man bought his way into this forum to troll. That's one way to do it. As with any other trolls, best way to deal with such posters is ignore him. 

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Shadow86 21-10-2014, 13:39 CET

Total Posts: 216

When comes the final build out today?

7pm in the evening?

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Chris K 21-10-2014, 13:44 CET

Total Posts: 275

Yeah, the resistor between my bullshit meter and my expressive body parts is a bit sensitive right now. :D

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Shanga@BP 21-10-2014, 13:51 CET

Total Posts: 863

Quoted Shadow86:

When comes the final build out today?

7pm in the evening?

Hope not before I get to send in my last bug reports and they get to fix them. I am busy as hell today but I am trying my best to give a last check of the game.

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iiiVaLOiii 21-10-2014, 14:07 CET

Total Posts: 59

at university they say you have time until 23:59 ^^

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foomemphis 21-10-2014, 14:17 CET

Total Posts: 1

Quoted iiiVaLOiii:

at university they say you have time until 23:59 ^^


yeah but other games are playable at 00:01 on release day.....

official statement on this would be nice

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Shadow86 21-10-2014, 14:27 CET

Total Posts: 216

Got a 12mb update. Now it looks like final build. But really just 12mb? I expected a huge update for the final build like 1gb or something.


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iiiVaLOiii 21-10-2014, 14:35 CET

Total Posts: 59

hey, more power to them if they're not willing to release it yet !! You can tell when its updating again & again today ; )

I'll download from humble bundle, that's why I can't see that...

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Chris K 21-10-2014, 14:37 CET

Total Posts: 275

Strange - I didn't get it. However, when I started the game to check the version (still RC2), I suddenly got 7 achievements.
BTW - they don't seem to work quite right. It doesn't show me hiring any mercs and the 3 train militia achievements seem messed up - the first one shows 2/5, the 2nd one 10/25, the 3rd one 25/75. I don't really care about it, but thought I should let you know.

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Shadow86 21-10-2014, 14:42 CET

Total Posts: 216

Quoted Chris K:

Strange - I didn't get it. However, when I started the game to check the version (still RC2), I suddenly got 7 achievements.
BTW - they don't seem to work quite right. It doesn't show me hiring any mercs and the 3 train militia achievements seem messed up - the first one shows 2/5, the 2nd one 10/25, the 3rd one 25/75. I don't really care about it, but thought I should let you know.

Haha got 9 from 24 achievements. So completed nearly half of the game from the start :D

Yeah it was a alpha branch update 12mb now there is no RC2 or something. Just nothing.

But if this is final build its really a mess. The enemy still needs sometimes too much time to attack and still it feels so unfinished.

Hmm maybe that was not the final update.

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Chris K 21-10-2014, 15:11 CET

Total Posts: 275

Ah, Steam removed me from the alpha branch for some reason. Got it now.
The title screen looks different now and I got my female John Doe after doing the IMP test again. :D (starts with a male John Doe, but the first name still doesn't change when I change gender - seems to depend on what gender the game starts you on, last time it was a female IMP (Jane), this time a male IMP (John)) apart from that probabaly mostly the same build.
Probably just some bug fixes and I doubt there will be any bigger changes like what you mentioned, Shadow86. I wouldn't call it a mess (from what I've played since Sunday night), but yes, it certainly needs quite a few further improvements.

I didn't look too closely at the achievements, just the ones I mentioned are obviously wrong. Probably some of the others as well.

Edit: the "kill 500 enemies" shows 2/500, while I have the kill 25 / kill 100 unlocked, destoyed environment pieces 0/xx (despite doing some), use 5 bandages unlocked, but use 25/50 bandages: 0/25 / 0/50. Quite a few mistakes there.
BTW -  my agent was a huge bad-ass to kill all those enemies alone. Shows what a great player I am. :D

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Shanga@BP 21-10-2014, 15:53 CET

Total Posts: 863

Btw for those who are still wondering - there are distructible environments in JA:F. Just pop a grenade near those crates where enemy is hiding and see.


And btw... the game is released now. Last version on Steam should be r1 or f1 (can't read that small text).

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